
I love light - and I love shadows. I love to travel and I love high quality things like good lenses, good food and old cars. And old cameras. But also new cameras and lots of other things.

Besides loving things I have over 10 years of professional experience from countless video and photo shoots. Paired with my Engineering degree in Media Production and Media Technology, I work both calmly and conscientiously, as well as technically experienced and always highly professional.

Even though you might think I am from Sweden, I am not. I am from a small town in southern Germany, so do not hesitate to write me in German. (I do have some swedish roots though).

Currently I live in Berlin and work all over Germany, Europe and the world.

So, have a look around and feel free to contact me for a collaboration.

Julian Larsson
Cinematographer / Directing DP

Heinrich-Roller-Str. 20
10405 Berlin


+49 174 9700983


Mercedes-Benz, Kärcher, Sony Music, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Universal Music, Porsche, Gregor Meyle, Lvlv, Bruckner, EnBw, I Like Visuals, Bäckerei Junge, UniCredit HypoVereinsbank, REWE, Audi, AirBnb, Schiesser, Instant Waves, Euterpflege, Fotografie Frei, Spedition Craiss, NIKE, bad kids production, Esther Graf, Frosta, Foodspring, Script Consult, Bauhaus, Round Table Deutschland, Telerob, L’Osteria, GIZ, BMW Motorsport, Mercedes-Benz Consulting, Olivia Rodrigo, kniff Projektagentur, silkrock, Fressnapf, OffWeGo, Stabilo, Soul Bottles, Agorum, Engel & Völkers Capital, Enpal., die Bayerische, Invesdor, Bolt, WeMakeThemWonder, fischerAppelt, Volkswagen, Pages Media, Uber Eats, it’s us Media, Isuzu, Rouge & Math, Hugo Boss, Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken, NABU, KME Studios, adidas.